9 Brilliant Strategies To Get More Followers On Twitter In 2024 

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Twitter is among the top social media platforms, with around 400 million users. A plethora of them actively share information, trending content, and so much more on a daily basis. 

Brands use Twitter marketing to bring in engagement, authentication, humour, and brand awareness. 

Some of the best things about using Twitter for marketing purposes are:

  • The incredible organic reach and engagement.
  • The top-notch quality and value of information shared on Twitter.
  • The exposure — some of the brightest minds are on Twitter.
  • No limit to the number of followers.
  • Regular updates when it comes to user experience and features.

Twitter, as a platform, has so much to offer! Understandably, increasing your brand’s following on Twitter may seem like a mammoth task, especially when you are just starting out. 

However, with a step-by-step approach, you can break this down into effective plans to make the task of generating Twitter engagement less cumbersome. 

If you’re wondering how to market on Twitter in 2024 in a sustainable and scalable way, keep reading. 

9 Brilliant strategies for getting more followers on Twitter 

1. Tweet consistently

Twitter is a conversational mega mall. People visit this platform almost every day to view or be part of conversations that interest them. Offering content diligently should be the top priority for every brand, big or small, and should be relevant to what people may enjoy.

While there is no fixed number of tweets allotted, it is recommended to tweet at least twice a day to keep the brand pulse alive amidst the noise. 

If you’re looking to increase your followers on Twitter, an interesting way to do so is by roping in other companies for a fun and engaging conversation. Incorporating strategic brand tools can enhance the impact of these interactions and help build a stronger online presence.

KitKat leveraged Harry Styles’ latest song ‘Watermelon Sugar’ to fashion a tweet and roped in chocolate brands Snickers, mmschocolate, Twix, Skittles, and Starburst into the conversation to pump up those engagement numbers. 

2. Post visual content

Did you know that the human brain is more receptive to visuals than any other sensory medium? As per research, the brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text and is more effective when it comes to retention. 

Clearly, you need to breathe life into your Twitter for business account with more visuals in the form of images and videos.  Animated GIFs and images are some of the best ways to boost your Twitter engagement and gain more visibility on the platform. 

Many social media managers will also agree that brands can leverage the easy-to-use Twitter cards that help creators display more information in a visual manner for increased engagement. 

Twitter cards empower users to attach their media collaterals to their tweets which blends aesthetics with functionality. Complete with links and active CTA buttons, these cards drive traffic to your website as well as deliver valued information in a clear, succinct, and non-boring manner.

Key Tip: You can Keyhole to find your best content types. Go a step beyond and track your competitors’ accounts and see what brings them in front of your dream leads.

3. Use relevant & trending hashtags

It is interesting to note that when hashtags are used the right way, the percentage of a post to be retweeted increases by 40%. A good Twitter practice is to include three hashtags in the tweet. Any higher than that and the engagement is likely to drop by 17%!

So how does one know which hashtags to use on Twitter? 

Twitter analytics tools like Keyhole help create a personalized dashboard for brands and social media managers and present metrics that work for them. You can track any hashtag or keyword across the platform to assess how many people are using them and what they are saying. 

In addition, you can generate aggregated engagement metrics such as reach and impressions instantly, thereby saving hours of your time. This way, hashtag analytics tools empower you to create a data-backed Twitter marketing strategy. 

Keyhole - Real-Time Social Media Analytics & Reporting Tool

These reports include historical Twitter data, mentions, and metrics of all the hashtags used in the last 5 years. Based on the data, managers and brands can also assess the hashtags to be used in the future which overrides manual work and gain ROI based on accurate analysis. 

Furthermore, Keyhole’s Twitter analytics platform helps analyze particular keywords or brand-related terms to see how many people have mentioned it and track Twitter trends instantly.

4. Engage with replies, retweets, and likes

Engaging with followers on Twitter is not easy but it’s not impossible either.

An important part of your Twitter marketing strategy should be to engage with your followers. One of the simplest ways to market on Twitter is by replying to tweets, retweeting relevant posts, and encouraging user-generated content. 

This strategy also connects with social proof marketing, where displaying interactions with happy customers or notable individuals can significantly improve your brand’s trust and credibility.

In addition to retweets, replies, and community development, Twitter Chats also help brands engage with audiences with the help of value-based content on a regular basis.

Twitter chats are public-based discussions on very specific topics where followers get to learn from the best, as well as help brands have a constant presence among their audience. These chats are usually held live, allowing users to interact with brands in real time. 

You can connect with these invested and enthusiastic participants outside the chat and build a really collaborative community where these followers have the potential to be loyal customers. 

Read More: How to Do a Twitter Competitor Analysis in 5 Simple Steps

5. Find your unique and compelling brand voice

While having a unique brand voice does not directly increase your followers on Twitter, you still need a compelling and uniform tone that is engaging, fun, and memorable. 

To find out your unique voice on Twitter and even otherwise, you need to define your vision, values, and mission.

What is the goal of your marketing strategy on Twitter? 

Is your vision to inspire your followers to take action? Or should your messaging drive them to buy more? The clarity helps build a narrative that becomes common across all messaging and therefore, becomes the brand voice. 

Once the vision has been outlined, the next step is to know what your audience wants. Is your audience of the current generation, or is it a part of the older population? What does your audience seek? Entertainment, information, or both? Understanding your audience will help you fine-tune your brand voice that you had earlier created on the basis of your vision and mission. 

A pro tip – Seal the deal with brand voice guidelines so that it can be referred to anytime and by anyone managing your social media activities. 

Old Spice’s Twitter handle is a great example of maintaining a consistent brand voice — in this case, humour, across all its posts. 

6. Post at the right times

Like other social media platforms, Twitter has its own algorithm that works on different cases of consistency and posting schedules. 

In many cases, the best days to post on Twitter are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 9 AM. While the worst day to post is on a Sunday. 

However, this may not be true for every brand out there and as a social media manager, you need to figure out a schedule that works for your company and not the industry. 

Reports from Keyhole’s Twitter analytics can help in finding the best time to post on Twitter.

Social Media Publishing & Scheduling Platform - Keyhole

Based on the data like traffic flow and engagement rate, these reports offer recommendations on the optimal time to schedule your Twitter posts. 

7. Balance paid and organic engagement on Twitter

There are two ways to gain engagement on Twitter — organically and via ads. 

Organic reach is scalable and long-lasting when compared to ads. On the other hand, ads are required for that short burst of growth important to get the brand on the maps. 

Organic engagement

Experts suggest that organically engaging Twitter threads should be more visual and attention-grabbing with a hint of intrigue. The hook, line, and sinker model works very well here since brands need to hook their readers on the first line and then make them click the “Read More” link to move along further.

  • Don’t reveal everything in the first line, let your reader click on ‘read more’.
  • Build a context 
  • Use Twitter polls if required
  • Add a visual to grab the attention

However, creating threads is just one part of the deal. Once the tweet is up, it is important for your brand to engage with the audience further.  You can retweet replies, dive into a conversation, and build an active communication line with all those who engage with your business account on Twitter. 

Consider Twitter follower ads 

Boosting Twitter engagement organically takes time. On the other hand, if you’re looking to accelerate your growth quickly, Twitter’s follower campaigns allow you to promote your account to a targeted audience.

The best part, you pay only when someone followers your business account after seeing the ad. 

These ads work best for short campaigns or in an ongoing way to have a consistent stream of new followers. They help you reach a wider variety of accounts of people who don’t currently follow your brand and may find interest in your offerings.

Twitter allows eligible accounts to launch campaigns on ads.twitter.com based on the following categories:

  • Awareness
  • Consideration 
  • Conversion

You can even add promoted tweets to your Twitter marketing mix to increase your Twitter engagement rate and convert followers into customers. 

8. Post offers, sales, and discounts

If you are wondering how to get Twitter followers for your brand, make it simpler for the audience to come to you by posting a sale or a never-seen-before deal. 

This works especially well during the festive season and with the holidays around the corner, this is the ideal time. Outline your sale and promotion offers and create simple tweets outlining what your customer can gain from this offer. 

Use GIFs to add the much-needed FOMO and visual element to get your Twitter followers clicking on your post.

Pro Tip: While you are posting a discount tweet, don’t forget to add the URL directing to the product page to get the most out of your holiday social media marketing strategy.

9. Use Twitter analytics to view the performance 

One thing is to have a Twitter marketing strategy in place. Another equally important aspect is to see if your efforts are paying off, and the best way to do so is by using a Twitter analytics tool like Keyhole. 

A robust Twitter analytics platform is instrumental in answering how to grow your Twitter followers, as it tracks your engagement (tweets, retweets, likes, and replies) and streamlines the reporting process. 

The real-time data displayed by Keyhole helps assess the share of market voice, metrics that really matter to your brand, competitor analysis, and what can be done to gain more visibility across Twitter. 

Using sentiment analysis, Keyhole for Twitter marketing lets you understand how people feel about any given topic. 

Lastly, Keyhole allows you to automate reporting of your Twitter marketing strategy. You can export raw data (from CSV and XLS format) and analyze all posts, influencers, and metrics in a customized way. 

These reports can be easily converted to presentation-ready reports for clients and stakeholders.

Read More: Top 5 Fashion Social Media Marketing Campaigns Of All Times

Wrapping up

Figuring out how to get more followers on Twitter in 2024 boils down to having a solid Twitter marketing strategy in place 

One thing we know for sure is that growing your Twitter followers does not happen by chance. It is a combination of having a content strategy in place, engaging with followers and fellow users, and tweeting consistently. 

Also, when social media dynamics are combined with data-backed insights from Keyhole, you get a Twitter marketing plan that is not only on-point but also sustainable and impactful.

In 2024, the best marketing teams will continue to leverage data to support their social media strategies. To ensure that your tweets are resonating with your audience, consider using a Twitter analytics tool like Keyhole. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get more Twitter followers for free?

If you are looking to increase your Twitter followers for free, try out the following Twitter marketing strategies:
1. Share relevant content
2. Tweet consistently
3. Interact with others

How to get more Twitter for business followers in 2024?

The top Twitter marketing strategies for 2024 are:
1. Run Twitter ads
2. Post visual content
3. Use trending hashtags
4. Engage with others using likes, replies, and retweets
5. Find your unique voice
6. Identify the best time for your business to post on Twitter
7. Use Twitter analytics tools to measure performance

What is the best tool for Twitter analytics?

Keyhole’s Twitter analytics is used by some of the best brands owing to features like:
1. Hashtag analytics
2. Customized analytics reports
3. Presentation-ready PDF reports
4. Historical data analysis
5. Tracking Twitter profiles and accounts
6. Twitter trend analytics

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