When Is The Best Time To Post On Facebook?

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Facebook is the real OG when it comes to social media. This is the platform that revealed the potential of what social media platforms are truly capable of. 

From connecting with friends to running a full-fledged marketplace, Facebook is where it all started. But as more competitors rose to power, you might think Facebook is losing its charm over time. 

Though the newer generations are skewing towards platforms with privacy anthems written all over them, Facebook still exhibits greater relevance to brands who can use it correctly.  

Yes, the rumor has it that the organic reach on Facebook has declined. But the recent update assured the users that the feed would show more content from friends and family with some relevant recommendations.

As per social media statistics, more than 2.8 billion are active on Facebook each month. This is the time for brands of all sizes to strengthen their positions on the platform.

And the first chore in line to do that is to find your best time to post on Facebook. The guaranteed bet to engagement is if you start posting the content when your audience is active. 

Let’s begin your quest for the best time to post on Facebook!

Why does it matter when you post on Facebook?

Before we hand you out the steps, let’s understand why this drill is even important in the first place. 

Posting at the right time can make a big difference in how many people see and engage with your post. If you post something super interesting at 3 AM when most people are sleeping, it’s less likely to get seen and engaged than if you post it during the day when more people are active on Facebook. It’s like trying to throw a party when everyone’s already gone home – not much fun, right?

Another major thing to consider is your audience. Depending on their age, occupation, and location, they may be more active on Facebook at different times of the day. For example, if you’re targeting college students, they may be more active on Facebook after classes are over in the evenings. On the other hand, if you’re targeting working professionals, they may be more active during the workday.

Posting at the right time can also help you stand out from the crowd. If you’re posting at the same time as everyone else, your post may get lost in the sea of updates. But if you post at a time when there’s less competition, your post is more likely to get noticed. 

Now the next question that comes to mind is how you even know when your audience is active. Read on to find the top factors that decide your best time to post on Facebook. 

Top factors that impact the best time to post on Facebook

When it comes to finding the best time to post on Facebook, there are a ton of factors to consider. But let’s focus on the ones that really make a difference. Here are the top impactful factors to keep in mind:

1. Audience demographics

The first thing to consider is your audience. Who are you trying to reach? What time zone are they in? What’s their daily routine? Depending on their age, occupation, and location, they may be more active on Facebook at different times of the day. 

2. Post type

The type of post you’re sharing can also impact the best time to post. For example, if you’re sharing news articles or blog posts, it may be best to post it during the workday when people take breaks and catch up on the news.

On the other hand, if you’re sharing a funny meme or video, it may be best to post it in the evenings or on the weekends when people have more free time to browse social media.

3. Industry standards

The industry you’re in can also impact the best time to post. For example, B2B companies may see better engagement rates during work hours, while B2C companies may see better engagement on weekends. 

Also, do check out your competitors’ analytics! Take a look at a few of their profiles and see when they’re getting the most engagement. It might take some experimenting to find the right time, but it’s definitely worth a try.

When is the best time to post on Facebook each day of the week?

Truth be told, there are multiple best times to post on Facebook. Here are some influential studies that have revealed what has worked best for their target audience:

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, the best times to post on Facebook each day of the week are as follows:

  • On Monday, the best times to post on Facebook are 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 3:00 PM. People are likely to be taking a break from work or catching up on their social media feeds.
  • For Tuesday, the suggested optimal posting times are 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 3:00 PM. These times are effective as people tend to check their phones during their morning routine or lunch break.
  • On Wednesday, the recommended posting times are 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 1:00 PM, and 4:00 PM. During these times, people are likely to be commuting, taking a break from work, or catching up on their social media feeds.
  • Thursday’s best times to post on Facebook are 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 4:00 PM. These times are effective as your audience is likely to check their phones during their morning routine or afternoon break.
  • Finally, on Friday, the suggested optimal posting times are 11:00 AM, 4:00 PM, and 6:00 PM. During these times, people wind down for the weekend and are more likely to engage with you.

Hubspot did a survey with over 1000 social media marketers. Here are their findings: 

  • The best times to post on Facebook are between 6 PM to 9 PM and 12 PM to 3 PM. You should reach your audience during their lunch break or when they’re winding down for the day. 
  • While Friday and Saturday are the best days to post, these days have been found to have the highest engagement rates, with users spending more time on social media during weekends. 
  • Sundays have been found to be the worst day to post on Facebook since many people tend to take a break from social media on this day and spend more time with their families and friends.

Here are some of the key findings from the research done by the Coschedule team:

  • The top 5 best hours to post on Facebook are 9:00 AM, 7:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 8:00 AM, and 11:00 AM.
  • The worst 5 hours to post on Facebook are 12:00 AM, 5:00 AM, 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, and 4:00 AM.
  • The top 3 best days to post on Facebook are Fridays, Wednesdays, and Mondays.
  • The worst 3 days to post on Facebook are Thursdays, Sundays, and Saturdays.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines based on research, and the best posting time for your brand may vary depending on your specific audience and industry. 

What are the average best times to post on Facebook?

We did the digging ourselves, so you don’t have to.  Here’s the roundup of the best time to post on Facebook.

How to determine the best time to post on Facebook?

To determine the best time to post on Facebook, leverage the following tips:

1. Use Facebook Analytics

Facebook Insights provides data on when your followers are online, which can help you determine the best time to post. 

Go to your Facebook Business Page, click on “Insights” at the top, and then click on “Posts” on the left-hand side. You’ll see a graph that shows when your followers are online. Use this data to schedule your posts for when your followers are most active. 

2. Experiment with posting times

Try posting at different times of the day and week to see when you get the most engagement. Keep track of your results and adjust your posting schedule accordingly. Use Keyhole to schedule unlimited posts in advance and test different posting times.

3. Find your optimal time to post

Check your optimal post time on Facebook by tracking your profile on Keyhole. Head over to the Optimization tab and see the detailed breakdown of your posting strategy. Get an overview of engagement on each day and the most engaging content type as well. 

When is the best time to post Reels, Stories, and other content types on Facebook?

Love posting multiple content types on Facebook. Check this out before you schedule them to  maximize your reach: 

1.  Reels: The best time to post Reels on Facebook is between the hours of 6 AM-12 PM PST. However, this can vary depending on where your audience is located.

2.  Stories: The best time to post Facebook Stories is during off-work hours, such as early morning, evenings, and weekends. This is when people have more time to engage with Stories.

3.  Videos: Thursdays and Fridays from 1 PM to 3 PM are the best times to post videos on Facebook. Posting videos during off-peak hours, such as late into the week and on weekends, can also be effective.

4.  Texts: The best time to post text content on Facebook is during weekdays, specifically midweek, around Wednesday. This is when people are most active on Facebook.

5.  Images: The best time to post image content on Facebook is during work hours, specifically midday, around 12 PM. This is when people are taking a break and scrolling through their feeds.

It’s important to note that these are general guidelines and may not apply to every audience. It’s always a good idea to experiment with different posting times and track your results to determine what works best for your specific audience.

What about the posting frequency? 

As you must have guessed already, there are different guidelines for the best time and frequency to post for each content type, including Reels, Stories, videos, texts, images, and more.

  • For Reels, posting 2-3 times per week can be effective. However, it’s important to keep in mind that Reels are still a new feature, and it may take some experimentation to determine the ideal posting frequency for your audience.
  • When it comes to Stories, posting once or twice per day can be effective for engaging with your audience. Since Stories are only visible for 24 hours, posting frequently can help keep your brand top of mind for your followers.
  • For videos, the ideal posting frequency can vary depending on your audience and content. Post videos on Facebook between 1 to 5 times per week during off-peak hours, such as late into the week and on weekends.
  • For text-based content, posting once per day or a few times per week can be effective for keeping your audience engaged. However, it’s important to make sure that your content is high-quality and relevant to your audience to avoid overwhelming them with too much content.
  • For image-based content, posting once per day or a few times per week can be effective for keeping your audience engaged. Midday, around 12 PM, is a good time to post images on Facebook, as this is when people take a break and scroll through their feeds.

Final words

So there you have it – posting at the right time on Facebook can help you get more engagement, reach the right audience, and stand out from the crowd. Don’t be afraid to test different posting times and see what works best for you!

If you’re looking to take your social media strategy to the next level, consider trying out Keyhole. Keyhole is a powerful Facebook analytics tool that can help you track your social media performance, monitor your brand’s reputation, and optimize your content for maximum engagement. Book a demo and see the difference it can make for your social media strategy!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time to post on Facebook for maximum reach and engagement?

The best time to post on Facebook for maximum reach and engagement is typically mid-week between 1 pm and 3 pm, with the highest engagement rates occurring on Wednesdays. However, it's important to note that the optimal posting time can vary depending on your specific audience and industry.

2. Does the best time to post on Facebook vary by industry or audience demographics?

Yes, the best time to post on Facebook can vary by industry and audience demographics. For example, B2B companies may see better engagement rates during work hours, while B2C companies may see better engagement rates on weekends. It's important to analyze your own audience and industry trends to determine the best posting times for your brand.

3. How can I determine the best time to post on Facebook for my specific business or brand?

To determine the best time to post on Facebook for your specific business or brand, you can use Facebook Insights or third-party analytics tools to analyze your audience engagement and posting habits. You can also experiment with different posting times and track your results to see which times generate the most engagement and reach for your posts.

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