How To Create Monthly Instagram Marketing Strategy Template

Instagram has become one of the most highly used social media today, with over 2 billion monthly active users. If you run a brand, Instagram can help you build an online presence and reach younger audiences.

However, leveraging Instagram for your business isn’t a simple job. The right strategy is necessary to make your efforts worth it. But how do you structure an effective Instagram marketing strategy?

From content creation to optimization and distribution, we’ve curated some of the best practices you can try. Keep scrolling to explore the best practices for creating a good Instagram marketing strategy template.

Why an Instagram marketing strategy is important

A GIF of a person scrolling on their phone screen.

Incorporating Instagram marketing for your business is vital to stay competitive in the industry. In fact, marketers place Instagram as their third priority among social media platforms when it comes to investing time and money.

There are many ways to leverage Instagram for marketing your products. You can create informative videos, reels, stories, and more. You can also try Instagram ads and influencer marketing for more impactful results.

For example, a SaaS business that provides social media analytics tools promotes its product on Instagram by creating engaging content, such as infographics and data visualizations. Through its content, they showcase the insights and benefits its software offers. 

They can also collaborate with popular Instagram influencers in the marketing industry to create sponsored posts or stories highlighting their analytics platform’s value. Using targeted hashtags can improve the visibility of their posts.

Here are some other benefits of incorporating Instagram marketing for businesses:

Massive user base: Instagram’s large user base presents a significant potential market for businesses. 

Enhanced brand awareness: Through consistent and strategic posting, your businesses can raise brand awareness on Instagram.

Engaging with the audience: Instagram offers various features, such as comments, likes, and direct messaging, facilitating direct interaction between businesses and their audience.

Influencer marketing: Instagram is a hub for influencer marketing, where businesses collaborate with popular Instagram users to promote their products or services. 

E-commerce integration: You can use product tagging, shoppable posts, and Instagram Checkout, making it easier for your brand to sell products directly within the app. 

Analytics and insights: Instagram’s business tools have valuable in-built analytics and insights to help businesses understand their audience better. 

10 Steps to create an Instagram marketing strategy template

While you build your Instagram marketing strategy, it’s better to use a template or a business plan presentation to execute your plan well. An Instagram marketing strategy template helps you maintain consistency and efficiency. We’ve curated vital practices to help you create an Instagram marketing strategy template.

Step #1. Define goals aligned with your business objectives

When you start working on your SaaS business idea, defining business objectives is essential because it provides a clear direction for your Instagram marketing strategy.

Make your brand focus on what matters most and ensure that your content contributes to the growth and success of your business. Consider aspects such as increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, boosting sales, or improving customer engagement rate

Ensure that your goals are realistic, relevant, and time-bound. Therefore you can choose the most suitable content and features to leverage on the platform.

Step #2. Understand your target audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial in your Instagram marketing strategy. Get insights about your audience’s pain points, demographics, interests, behaviors, and preferences. This helps you produce content that resonates with audiences and maximize engagement. 

Keyhole is a tool that can help you gather detailed profile analytics and gain valuable audience insights. It provides information about your audience’s age, gender, location, interests, and even their most active hours on Instagram.

Getting relevant and comprehensive data about your target audience helps you create targeted and relevant content. Moreover, content that directly addresses your audience’s needs will increase your content performance. 

Step #3. Choose the content you want to create

One of the biggest challenges of Instagram marketing is content creation. It’s normal to wonder what kind of content can attract and engage audiences effectively. Fortunately, Instagram has various features you can use to produce engaging content.

Every content type has advantages, from Insta stories to reels and feeds. Consider leveraging each content feature to enrich your brand account. Below are some tips on creating and optimizing your content:

  • Explore different content and evaluate which type generates the most engagement.
  • Invest in short videos for reels and Insta Stories.
  • Consider interactive posts like quizzes and live video streaming.
  • Write story-driven captions and encourage audiences to give responses.
  • Produce high-quality visuals.
  • Incorporate relevant and branded hashtags for better reach.

Tip: Upon adding your profile to Keyhole, you can discover your top posts and most engaging content type. You can do the same for your competitors’ and create an ideal content marketing plan.

Step #4. Create a content calendar

A content calendar plan helps you stay organized throughout the month and year. You can schedule content creation and publishing on a single platform. You can consider using marketing tools, but we recommend Keyhole as one of the best options out there as you can schedule unlimited posts to your favourite platforms.

Keyhole has a feature that enhances its real-time social media publishing and scheduling for top social media platforms. This addition complements Keyhole’s existing suite of tools, including data-driven strategy planning, social media campaign management, influencer marketing, and social listening.

You can plan and execute your social content strategy directly within the Keyhole platform. This all-in-one solution saves you and your team countless hours by eliminating the need for manual content scheduling and execution across multiple platforms. This way, you also benefit from cost reduction and increased efficiency.

Step #5. Collaborate with influencers

Influencer marketing is also a strategy worth trying when leveraging Instagram. You can find niche-specific influencers and work with them for content collaboration. Many marketers have proved that influencer marketing is an effective strategy for generating significant results.

Search for influencers related to your brand values, industry, or niche. They must know about your product and audience to deliver marketing messages and influence others. Also, they must have an impressive content engagement to be impactful.

Keyhole Influencer Analytics Dashboard

You can use Keyhole’s tracking feature to help you look for relevant influencers. The platform also allows you to onboard multiple influencers and track their engagement and ROI for a specific campaign. 

Step #6. Provide interactive moments

Interactive moments on Instagram allow you to engage and interact with your audience actively. These moments create a sense of involvement and connection, which can increase engagement, strengthen relationships, and generate buzz around your brand. 

You can create timed quizzes, polls, and written Q&A using Insta Story features. But an effective way you can try is hosting live streaming. It allows you to talk with your audiences in real-time virtually.

Live streaming enables direct communication with your audience, making it the most engaging and interactive content on Instagram. You can leverage live streaming for many purposes, such as Q&A sessions, product launches, demonstrations, interviews, and influencer collaborations. Some brands also use live streaming to sell products.

Step #7. Consider Instagram ads

Instagram Ads is a paid advertising feature on the platform that allows you to create targeted promotions for your brand, products, or services. Instagram Ads can be highly effective for audience reach and targeting.

You can try several types of Instagram ads. Each type offers unique features and opportunities for user engagement. At least there are six types of paid ads on Instagram; photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, stories ads, explore ads, and IGTV ads.

With several options available, one big question may arise: Which one will be the best for my product and brand? Here is an explanation of each ad type that you can consider.

Photo Ads: Photo ads allow businesses to showcase their products, services, or brand through high-quality images.

Video Ads: Video ads on Instagram can be up to 60 seconds long and captivate the audience with dynamic visuals, sound, and storytelling. 

Carousel Ads: Carousel ads enable businesses to showcase multiple pictures or videos in a single ad. Users can swipe through the carousel to view different content pieces. 

Stories Ads: Stories ads are discoverable on the Instagram Stories section, a popular feature with high user engagement. These immersive and full-screen ads appear between organic Stories from the user’s network. 

Explore Ads: Explore ads appear within the Explore feed, where users discover content tailored to their interests. These ads seamlessly blend in with organic content, providing an opportunity to engage users as they browse through the Explore section.

IGTV Ads: IGTV ads come in long-form vertical videos on the IGTV platform. You can publish up to 60 seconds of videos for most accounts and up to 3 minutes for larger accounts.

Step #8. Perform competitor analysis

Competitor analysis is crucial if you want your business to stand out and thrive. It helps you understand your competitive landscape and gain insights to help you create, optimize, and manage your Instagram marketing strategy.

Competitor analysis helps you discover industry trends, uncover opportunities, and competitors’ performance metrics. You can identify your competitors by analyzing their content strategies, monitoring their audience engagement, and tracking their campaigns and promotions.

The entire process may sound complicated. But you can use Keyhole’s competitor analysis to streamline this process easily. You will gain insights into your competitors’ performance metrics, engagement rates, follower growth, and audience demographics. It also lets you track multiple competitors simultaneously.

Step #9. Do Instagram audit

Conducting an Instagram audit helps you assess the performance and effectiveness of your current Instagram presence. It requires you to evaluate various aspects of your account, content strategy, and engagement metrics.

You can start by reviewing your brand account. Ensure that your Instagram name, bio, profile picture, username, and overall aesthetics represent your brand. Use distinct visual styles to make your brand more memorable. 

Continue the audit with your content, audience, and engagement. You can use Instagram analytics tools like Keyhole to gain more insights. 

Content evaluation: Analyze the performance of different posts, such as photos, videos, stories, or carousel posts. Identify high-performing content and areas for improvement.

Audience assessment: Dive into your follower demographics. Understand your audience and identify gaps or opportunities to refine your content and targeting strategies.

Engagement metrics: Analyze your engagement metrics, such as likes, comments, shares, and saves, to understand how your audience interacts with your content. Look for trends or patterns in engagement rates and identify strategies to increase engagement.

Hashtag analysis: Evaluate the effectiveness of your hashtag strategy by identifying which hashtags generate the most engagement and reach. Consider using industry-specific or trending hashtags to expand your reach and attract a relevant audience.

Step #10. Track performance and make adjustments

You need to track content performance to know whether or not your marketing strategy works. Tracking content performance helps you spot gaps and identify necessary adjustments for your plan.

You can measure success by tracking key performance metrics, such as engagement rates, conversions, sales, and follower growth. Moreover, you can identify opportunities and trends to help you invest in high-performing content.

Keyhole can help you track, monitor, and analyze your Instagram content. It offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features specifically designed for social media marketers. You can monitor performance metrics, use hashtag analytics, and create visualized reports.

Wrapping up

The competitive nature of the market today has required businesses to use Instagram to create a solid online presence. The above points can help your business create an Instagram marketing strategy and leverage the platform.

Start by defining your business objectives, identifying the target audience, and creating valuable content for them. You must also analyze competitors and track content performance to optimize and improve your marketing efforts for future campaigns.

Instagram also provides quick ways to strengthen your marketing. Consider trying paid ads or influencer marketing for more impactful results. Using third-party analytics such as Keyhole is also worth considering to get valuable insights and recommendations.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can businesses effectively use Instagram Stories for marketing purposes?

To use Instagram stories effectively, you can create engaging and visually appealing content, such as behind-the-scenes glimpses, product demonstrations, or exclusive promotions. They can also utilize interactive features like polls, quizzes, and question stickers to encourage audience participation and feedback. Additionally, businesses can leverage Instagram Stories’ swipe-up feature to drive traffic to their website or specific landing pages.

2. What strategies can businesses employ to increase their Instagram followers organically?

You can focus on distributing high-quality and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. Engaging with the community through liking, commenting, and responding to followers’ messages can also help foster connections and attract new followers. Also, collaborating with influencers or running contests and giveaways can further boost follower growth.

3. How can businesses effectively use Instagram Live for marketing purposes?

You can use Instagram Live to host Q&A sessions, product launches, tutorials, interviews, or behind-the-scenes broadcasts. Additionally, cross-promoting the live session on other social media platforms or collaborating with influencers can help attract a larger audience.