Best In September On Twitter & Instagram Marketing

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This is a recap of the best content around the web on Twitter, Instagram, and Influencer Marketing in the last month of September – as well as the best performing posts from our native Keyhole Blog. We hope this helps you filter some noise.
On Twitter
Twitter’s deal with Stripe, Big Commerce, & Shopify means they’re serious about tapping into the holiday shopping market. You’ll see plenty of tweets with “Buy” buttons for the upcoming holidays. Want to join in the shopping spree? There are many ways to go about developing a hashtag campaign, but winning ones all have four qualities called FOAM. If you’re using Twitter for events, Tracy, Marketer from Eventbrite suggests we geo-tag our tweets for amplification. If you tweet about Game of Thrones while watching Game of Thrones, you’re apparently not alone. TV audience uses Twitter over the internet to connect with the show. And remember how Coke recently launched Twitter’s first ever branded emoji? That generated $100,000 worth of free Twitter impression in a day. Tweet about it – in 140 characters because those 140-character-capped days may be over, very soon. On Instagram The big news is that Instagram ads are now open to all businesses worldwide. They project $600M mobile ad revenue worldwide this year. Whether or not they’ll reach this goal is unclear, but what is clear is you need to add Instagram as a marketing channel. Leveraging Contextual Influencers and Paid Ads are a good bet but make sure you’re transparent when using posts generated by your users, or you might end up like Croc. They may not have broken any laws, but definitely lost the trust of a loyal customer and her friends. Being organic is spreading into visual advertising, thanks to Instagram. Being “perfect” visually lost merit. Be “raw” instead. Oh, and the older the Influencers, the less following they have on Instagram. Social Media
Facebook wants to be more like Twitter – the social media choice for breaking news. And to do this, they’ve launched Signal which helps journalist discover and curate content. Ask for access here. Youtube joined Twitter in the shopping spree and announced on Tuesday that they will add the buy feature to their videos as well. This embedded function brings audience directly to the e-commerce site once they click on the product in the video. Now, that’s pretty cool.
Best Tweet of the Month
  Our Best Instagram Post of the Month 
That’s it, folks! We hope that saves you tons of time. Make sure to sign up to our blog  and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for more Twitter best practices. Keyhole is a real-time conversation tracker that provides keyword and hashtag analytics for Twitter and Instagram. Get started for free and search your brand now.

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