10 LinkedIn Content Ideas That Boost Engagement & Drive Leads

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As the world’s largest professional social networking platform, LinkedIn is the go-to platform for knowledge-seeking professionals and business owners.

When users open LinkedIn, they don’t expect to see you walking your dog (though, occasionally, that’d be ideal). Instead, most LinkedIn users want to see fresh perspectives, great content, and informative, thought-leadership posts.

No wonder it’s the top choice for 94 percent of decision-makers. But as on every other social media platform, content is king on LinkedIn.

Want to boost engagement and drive leads? Content! Spun or AI-generated content just won’t cut it. Creating content that drives leads is about delivering value like a real human.

What you need is to be original in everything you do. And this article will share with you 10 content ideas that work every single time. Ready? Let’s go.

1. Share your expertise

LinkedIn is like social media’s corporate environment—a place where every step is taken on purpose, except for the occasional coffee break.

If you want your organization to benefit from LinkedIn’s massive potential, give the audience what they’re primarily looking for: educational content. Yes, according to Demand Gen, users are looking for informative content, not sales pitches.

And by sharing your expertise, users can learn tips about solving their problems and gain new information, thereby earning you their trust.

For example, Erica Schneider, one of the most recognized voices in the content marketing field in recent years, has developed a reputation and a thriving business by offering writing and editing tips on LinkedIn.

Here is Erica discussing her experience on LinkedIn and how it has brought her massive followers and profitable businesses:


People appreciate value. If your content consistently provides that, you’ll attract more attention, engagement, and, eventually, leads.

Is there something you’re exceptional at? Regularly share content about it, and that’ll be your lead magnet.

2. Behind-The-Scenes (BTS)

In spite of how you may view it, people want to interact more with humans. It’s kind of like the entire point of social media.

This is why you shouldn’t hide under professionalism and be a faceless entity—you’re a team of real, hardworking individuals, and it’s okay to show that!

This has many benefits, including:

Authenticity and transparency: Behind-the-scenes content allows you to showcase the authentic and human side of your professional life. It provides a glimpse into your day-to-day activities, work processes, and the people behind your brand. This transparency builds trust and helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Engages your audience: Behind-the-scenes content is often intriguing and relatable. It gives your audience a unique perspective and a sense of being included in your journey. This type of content tends to generate higher engagement as people enjoy seeing the inner workings of businesses and projects.

When Maeva Cifuentes, the founder and CEO of Flying Cat Marketing, shared a behind-the-scenes look at her comedy sketch on LinkedIn, the engagement from her followers was massive.


Behind-the-scenes content may not attract leads on LinkedIn, but it will get you enough engagement to expand your brand reach, which is pretty much the same thing: more potential leads discovering your brand.

Share behind-the-scenes content to humanize your brand and establish a connection with your audience. This can be pictures or videos of your office, team-building activities, or maybe a sneak peek of an upcoming project.

3. Case studies

Nothing shouts credibility louder than a well-executed case study. It’s proof that you know what you’re doing and that you do it well.

Case studies are engaging and educational if they reach the right audience. They offer practical insights, best practices, and lessons learned from real-world scenarios. This content can inspire and inform your connections, encouraging them to engage with your posts and learn from your experiences.

What does all this mean for your brand? It attracts relevant opportunities, such as speaking engagements, consulting inquiries, and partnership proposals.

It also differentiates you from your competitors because you can showcase the specific results you have achieved for your clients or projects, highlighting your competitive advantage and distinguishing you as a top performer in your field.

Alex Birkett, the Co-founder of Omniscient Digital, uses this sales strategy almost exclusively. Below is a post where he shared a case study of his work with Jasper, an AI content creation tool.


Ensure your case studies are detailed, specific, and, most importantly, highlight the transformation you provided for the client.

The thing about case studies is that they can remove potential leads from their state of hesitancy. Once they see the results you’ve gotten for others, they’ll be more convinced that you can do the same for them.

4. Celebrate wins 

Did you just hit a significant milestone? Celebrate it publicly. It could be anything from launching a new product, winning an award, or hitting a sales target.

And by sharing your wins on LinkedIn, you showcase your achievements and build a positive reputation.

This can generate engagement, likes, comments, and shares, which expand your reach to a wider audience. This increased visibility can lead to new connections, opportunities, and potential business growth.

I recall Kyle Byers, Semrush’s director of growth marketing, updating his network on LinkedIn about the company reaching a significant milestone in its expansion: 100,000 paying customers.

The post had fantastic engagement and was reposted by several other LinkedIn users, extending his social media reach.

Sharing news like this has several other benefits. For example, it shows your users are getting the desired results and more people are signing up for your product or services. This will encourage others to do the same.

It can also boost employee morale, motivation, and pride in their work. When employees see their achievements being acknowledged publicly, it fosters a positive work environment and can increase productivity and job satisfaction.


Celebrating wins shows that you’re achieving and progressing. It breeds trust and generates excitement around your brand.

It also creates positive brand associations in the minds of your audience. It reinforces the perception of your brand as a reliable, successful, and innovative entity. This positive association can influence decision-making when potential clients consider your products or services.

5. Employee spotlights

Featuring your team members and their stories on LinkedIn is another content idea that can drive engagement. This again adds a personal touch and underscores that it’s the people who make a company. 

And while you are putting your employees in the spotlight, this also puts your business in the spotlight.

Putting a spotlight on employees also has other benefits, including:

Employee recognition and engagement: Employee spotlights provide a platform to recognize and appreciate individual employees for their contributions and achievements. It boosts employee morale, motivation, and job satisfaction by publicly acknowledging their hard work and success. There are a number of platforms to manage employee recognition that can automate the work involved in this.

Talent attraction and retention: Employee Spotlights help showcase the talented individuals within your organization. When potential candidates see the accomplishments and expertise of your employees, it can attract top talent who aspire to work with a successful and reputable team. Additionally, highlighting employees’ growth and career progression can contribute to employee retention by signaling advancement and personal development opportunities.

Brand building and employee advocacy: Employee spotlights contribute to brand building on LinkedIn. They humanize the organization and create a positive perception among the audience. That way, employees become brand advocates by sharing their spotlights with their networks, which can attract potential clients, partners, and talent who are influenced by the positive experiences and stories shared.

Close does a terrific job of highlighting its finest talent for its annual Values Awards. Here is a LinkedIn post from Close appreciating one of its staff members.


Make your company more relatable by highlighting the faces behind the brand. At the end of the day, people want to relate to people.

More so, this will help you attract the best brains that will stick to your company, as 66 percent of employees say they’d quit a job because of underappreciation.

6. Industry news and trends

You can also be a source of the latest news and trends in your industry. This will channel the attention of your industry peers to you as the place where they can always find the most up-to-date information in the industry.

The trick is always to add your analysis and thoughts whenever something significant happens. Don’t just share the news.

This will help you gain:

Thought leadership: Sharing industry news and adding your point of view positions you as a thought leader in your field. It demonstrates your expertise, knowledge, and awareness of the latest developments. This can enhance your professional reputation and attract attention from peers, potential clients, and employers.

A robust professional network: Create opportunities for engagement and, and attract like-minded professionals who are interested in the same topics. This leads to connections, conversations, and potential collaborations. It expands your network and opens doors to new opportunities.

Sparking discussions and engagement: Industry news and trends often spark discussions and engagement on LinkedIn. By sharing such content, you invite your connections to comment, share their perspectives, and engage in meaningful conversations. This fosters community and interaction within your network.

If you’re a content marketer or freelance writer, by now you’ve heard of Ryan Law. Law is known for sharing the latest trends in the industry and offering his high-rated thought-leadership opinion on them.

He even gets controversial at times, as it should be, in my opinion. A while back, Ryan shared his opinion on the future of SEO in a post-ChatGPT world in the post below.

Then, a short while later, he shared another post where he claimed AI was going to kill the listicle. Whether or not that forecast will come true is still up in the air. But do you know what the two posts have in common? They had massive engagements.


Share industry news and trends to position yourself as a thought leader and go-to expert in your field. You can use Keyhole Trending Topics to keep track of trending topics in your industry.

7. User-Generated Content (UGC)

Feature content created by your customers or fans. Not only does it create a sense of community, but it also provides social proof.

According to Nielsen, 92 percent of consumers say they trust user-generated content more than they trust traditional advertising.

If you already have a LinkedIn page followed by your customers, this will give them an authentic and unbiased perspective on your brand, products, or services.

Sharing UGC demonstrates that others have had positive experiences and validates the credibility and quality of your offerings. It’s also a way of turning your customers into brand advocates. 

By featuring their content, you highlight their support and enthusiasm for your brand, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and advocacy. It also encourages others to become advocates, as they see real people endorsing and enjoying your products or services.

While there are many ways to do this, here is a good example from VEED.IO:


People trust other people. Share user-generated content to build credibility and authenticity. Even though many users may not tag you in their posts, you can use Keyhole to monitor brand mentions on social media and know when a user is sharing something about you.

8. Webinars and events

Hosting a webinar or an event? Promote it on LinkedIn. Even after the event, you can share clips or key takeaways.

LinkedIn content has the potential to go viral or gain significant organic reach. If your webinar promotion resonates with your network and they find it valuable, they may share it with their connections, expanding the reach of your webinar beyond your immediate network. This can result in increased visibility, registrations, and a wider audience for your webinar.

Here is Neil Patel sharing a registration link to his upcoming webinar.


Events and webinars are opportunities for direct interaction with your audience. They’re great for building relationships and showcasing your expertise.

And since most LinkedIn users are professionals, either looking for new opportunities or new business insights, promoting your webinars and events can bring in new leads for your business.

9. Inspiring quotes

Yes, they might be overused, but if done right, quotes can be very effective. The key is to pick quotes that resonate with your brand and audience.

Also, note that we do not mean for you to copy random quotes and pass them off as inspirational.

Instead, turn those quotes into conversations. And if you’ve got some really interesting insights, you can put them down as quotes.

This post by Justin Wesh is the best example of inspiring quotes I’ve ever seen on LinkedIn:

And the results from this speak for themselves.


Quotes can stir emotions, and emotional content tends to get more shares and likes. That helps your brand reach more people.

10. Polls and surveys

Ask for opinions or feedback. This not only engages your audience but can also provide valuable insights.

Aside from that, conducting polls and surveys on LinkedIn has several benefits, including:

Market research and feedback: LinkedIn offers a diverse and professional audience, making it an ideal platform for gathering insights and feedback. Conducting polls and surveys allows you to collect valuable data and opinions directly from your target audience. This information can help you understand market trends, customer preferences, and industry insights, guiding your business strategies and decision-making.

Data-driven decision-making: The data collected from polls and surveys on LinkedIn can inform your decision-making processes. The insights gained help you make informed choices regarding product development, marketing campaigns, content strategies, and other business initiatives. By relying on data, you reduce the guesswork and increase the chances of success.

Audience insights and targeting: The responses you receive from conducting polls and surveys on LinkedIn can help you understand the needs, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. And that can give you powerful insights into what kind of content you should serve them and how best to engage them.

Victor Ijidola, a content marketer and writer, conducts a lot of surveys and polls on LinkedIn. Here is an example:


People love sharing their opinions. Use this to your advantage to generate engagement and learn more about your audience.

Final words

There you have it. These are some LinkedIn content ideas to boost engagement and drive leads. Remember, consistency is key.

You can’t post once in a blue moon and expect results. Show up, provide value, engage with your audience, and watch your business grow. Now, get out there and start making some noise on LinkedIn!

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Author Bio

Ramin Assemi is a B2B SaaS marketer with 10+ years of experience. He led Close CRM‘s content marketing to millions of views and hundreds of thousands of leads. When he’s not writing, he can be found exploring the beaches of Thailand, indulging in his lifelong passion for reading, and building sandcastles with his daughter.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I generate content ideas for LinkedIn?

Content ideas can be generated by considering your industry's trending topics, addressing common questions or issues in your field, sharing industry research or reports, discussing your own company news, or engaging with your audience to discover what they're interested in.

2. How often should I post on LinkedIn?

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this, as it depends on your specific audience and business goals. However, posting at least once per business day (Monday-Friday) is often recommended to maintain an active presence.

3. How can I increase engagement with my LinkedIn content?

To increase engagement, create high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that speaks directly to your audience's needs and interests. Use eye-catching images or videos, ask questions to encourage interaction, and respond to comments on your posts.

4. What are some examples of successful content strategies on LinkedIn?

Successful content strategies on LinkedIn often include a mix of industry updates, thought leadership articles, behind-the-scenes company content, and interactive posts (such as polls or questions) to drive engagement. Tailoring your content to your audience and being consistent with your posting schedule are also key factors.

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