9 Social Media Services Every Agency Should Offer In 2024

People scroll, like, and share for hours on end – over 143 minutes every single day, with over 62% of the world’s population doing it!

With social media becoming a way of life, it’s no surprise that social media coverage is a must-have for businesses of all sizes. That’s why expanding your social media service offerings is a smart move. 

Offering new services is not just trendy; it’s actually profitable in 2024. 

Studies show that 68% of businesses believe social media helps them generate more leads. Most see the results in revenue and are ready to allocate a budget for it.

So, what services should your agency start offering? Here are 9 must-have social media services to help you stay ahead and grow your profits (we’ve got you covered!).

1. Conducting social media audits

Let’s face it, every brand needs a check-up now and then. That’s where a social media audit comes in. 

It’s basically a deep dive into your current social media presence, analyzing everything from your profile bios to your posting strategy.

But why do clients need this? Simple! 

They might not even realize what’s working (or not working) on social media. An audit helps uncover hidden gems (like high-performing content after an Instagram audit) and expose areas for improvement (think outdated bios or inconsistent posting).

Here’s how a social media audit benefits businesses:

  • Laser focus your content: identify the types of posts that truly engage your audience, allowing you to tailor future content for maximum impact.
  • Optimize your profiles: ensure your profiles are complete, informative, and visually appealing, making a strong first impression on potential followers. Good example—Typeform with its social presence.
  • Benchmark against competitors: see how you stack up against your rivals, uncovering opportunities to differentiate your brand and stand out from the crowd.

Of course, no audit is perfect. A common challenge can be getting access to complete data from clients. The more information you have, the more comprehensive the audit can be.

Here’s how to get started with social media audits:

  1. Define goals with your client. What are they hoping to achieve with social media? This will guide the focus of the audit.
  2. Gather data. Collect historical social media analytics, brand guidelines, and competitor information. Use Keyhole to ease the gathering and analysing.
  3. Analyze and report. Present clear findings with actionable recommendations for improvement.

By offering social media audits, you’re giving clients a roadmap to success. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

2. Conducting research and analysis

Social media isn’t a guessing game.

To truly connect with your target audience, you need deep insights—that’s where research and analysis come in. This service involves researching audience demographics, competitor strategies, and current social media trends.

Doubt your clients need it? Of course, they do! Because, frankly, they might not know who their ideal follower actually is. 

Research paints a clear picture of your audience’s interests, online behavior, and the platforms they frequent.  This intel is crucial for crafting targeted messaging that resonates.

Here’s how research and analysis make businesses happier:

  • Craft targeted content: speak directly to your audience’s interests and pain points, boosting engagement and conversions.
  • Identify trending topics: capitalize on current social media trends to stay relevant and ride the wave of online conversations.
  • Outsmart the competition: analyze what’s working (and not) for your rivals, allowing you to develop a differentiated strategy. Just use Keyhole to analyze competitors’ profiles.

Now, there can be roadblocks. Sifting through a mountain of data can be overwhelming. The key is to focus on the most relevant information for the specific client and their industry.

Getting started with research and analysis is easy (not always):

  1. Brainstorm with your client. Understand their target audience and social media goals to tailor the research direction.
  2. Utilize social listening tools like Keyhole. Track brand mentions, industry trends, and competitor activity to glean valuable insights.
  3. Analyze and present findings. Transform data into clear, actionable recommendations for your client’s social media strategy.

By offering research and analysis, you equip your clients with the knowledge to dominate the social media landscape.

It’s like having a social media crystal ball – minus the theatrics.

3. Planning a social media strategy

A social media strategy is your (and your client’s) roadmap to success. It’s where you define your goals, target audience, content pillars, and overall approach. 

Think of it as the blueprint for everything you do on social media.

Your clients definitely need it. Why? Let’s face it: without a plan, social media efforts can feel scattered and ineffective. A strategy ensures your content is aligned with your business objectives, keeping you focused and moving towards those goals.

Here’s how a social media strategy improves businesses in general:

  • Targeted content creation: Develop content that resonates with your ideal audience, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Consistent brand voice: Maintain a unified brand identity across all social media platforms, fostering trust and recognition.
  • Measurable results: Track progress against your defined goals, allowing you to refine your strategy for optimal effectiveness.

Of course, creating a social media strategy can be tricky. A common pitfall is neglecting to set SMART (it’s Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, JFYI) goals. 

Without clear goals, it’s impossible to measure success.

Creating a strategy is a complex process, but the first steps are relatively easy:

  1. Workshop with your client. Identify their business goals, target audience, and brand voice to shape the strategy.
  2. Research and analyze. Dive into competitor strategies and industry trends to inform your approach. Use Keyhole to make it even easier with its historical insights.
  3. Develop a content calendar. Plan your posts in advance, ensuring consistent and high-quality content delivery.

By offering social media strategy planning, you equip your clients with the key to unlocking social media success. It’s the difference between aimlessly wandering the social media ocean and charting a course toward a destination of brand awareness and engagement.

4. Creating and publishing content

Creating and publishing high-quality content is the lifeblood of any successful social media strategy; no doubts here. 

It’s what keeps your audience engaged, informed, and coming back for more. This service encompasses crafting compelling posts, eye-catching visuals, and stories that resonate with your target audience.

Why do clients need this? Easy peasy. 

Most businesses don’t have the time or resources to consistently churn out engaging content.  A good agency (like yours) can take the burden off their shoulders, ensuring a steady stream of fresh content that keeps their followers hooked.

Win-win for businesses and their agencies:

  • Increased engagement: Compelling content keeps your audience glued to your social media pages, fostering interaction and brand loyalty. For example, HubSpot makes a huge number of posts to engage with its audience.
  • Drive website traffic: Use social media content to strategically link back to your website, increasing website visits and potential conversions.
  • Boost brand awareness: Regularly publishing fresh content keeps your brand at the forefront of your audience’s mind, maximizing brand awareness.

Don’t stick to just one format (as a common pitfall) – experiment with images, videos, polls, and live streams to keep your audience engaged.

Here’s how to get started with content creation and publishing:

  1. Develop a content calendar. Plan your posts in advance, ensuring a consistent flow of diverse and engaging content.
  2. Know your audience. Tailor your content to their interests and preferred formats to maximize impact. Define, for example, which salutations and icebreakers to use and when.
  3. Leverage social media tools (surely, Keyhole can help here) to streamline content creation and track performance.

Started offering content creation? Good. 

You’d become a content powerhouse for your clients and unlock a steady stream of engagement and propelling their brand to social media stardom.

Also, take into account that 61.4% of social media teams use external tools for their social media activities. Give Keyhole a try and see the difference—be among those who succeed on social media in 2024!

5. Listening and monitoring social media

Think that social media listening is all about eavesdropping? Wrong answer.

It’s about actively tracking online conversations to understand what people are saying about your brand, industry, and competitors. This service involves using specialized tools to gather insights from mentions, hashtags, and social media trends.

Almost 51% of social media strategists consider social media listening as a key factor in their success.

Social media is a treasure trove of valuable customer feedback if you know where to look. That’s the main reason why your clients need this kind of service. Monitoring allows you to identify brand sentiment, gauge campaign effectiveness, and uncover emerging trends.

Benefits for your clients are the following:

  • Improve customer service: Address customer concerns promptly by identifying negative sentiment online, allowing you to turn frowns upside down.
  • Refine your social media strategy: Gain insights into what content resonates with your audience and what falls flat, allowing you to tailor your approach for better results.
  • Identify brand advocates: Discover your biggest fans online and leverage their positive sentiment to amplify your brand message.

The problem or challenge your agency might face is information overload. There can be a mountain of data to sift through. The key is to focus on relevant metrics and actionable insights for your specific client and their industry. Here, the proper tool can help (yes, I mean Keyhole).

To help you, here is a tiny step-by-step guide to your social media listening and monitoring service:

  1. Define keywords and hashtags. Determine what you want to track, including brand mentions, industry terms, and competitor names.
  2. Utilize social listening tools. Leverage platforms to gather data, analyze mentions, and identify key trends.
  3. Report and recommend. Present clear findings with actionable insights to inform your client’s social media strategy.

You’re going to become a detective for your clients, uncovering hidden gems of information that can take their social media presence to the next level.

6. Building and managing communities

Counting followers is from the last century. If you want to build, manage, and grow social media communities, you need to foster genuine connections and interactions with your audience. 

This service involves creating a space where your followers feel valued, engaged, and part of something bigger.

Are my clients in need of this service? Yeap! 

A strong social media community is a goldmine for brand loyalty and advocacy. 

When people feel connected to your brand, they’re more likely to engage with your content, promote your products, and become brand champions.

Why it’ll be beneficial for your clients (use it as a reason to believe in your sales pitches):

  • Boost brand advocacy: Empower your community members to become brand ambassadors, spreading positive word-of-mouth and boosting brand awareness.
  • Gather valuable customer feedback: Engage in open conversations with your community to gain invaluable insights into customer needs and preferences.
  • Enhance customer service: Provide real-time support and address concerns within your community, fostering positive customer experiences.

Foster genuine interactions can be a pitfall (stay aware!). Community management goes beyond scheduled posts. Respond to comments, host live Q&As, and encourage discussions to keep your audience engaged.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Define your community goals. Align them with your overall social media strategy, whether it’s boosting brand loyalty or gathering customer feedback.
  2. Create a welcoming environment. Establish clear guidelines and encourage respectful interactions, making everyone feel comfortable to participate.
  3. Spark conversations. Host polls, ask questions, and actively engage with your community members to keep them coming back for more. 

How about Lavender throwing some UGC into their mix? It could really grab attention and boost conversions.

Start helping your clients cultivate a thriving online space that fosters brand loyalty and fuels their social media success, and build not just additional sources of revenue but brand advocates.

7. Automating social media lead generation

Automating social media lead generation is all about leveraging technology to streamline tasks and generate a steady flow of qualified leads. 

This service involves using paid or free sales tools to automate lead capture forms, nurture leads through targeted messaging, and qualify leads for your sales team.

Hesitant about it for your clients? Be sure, manually managing lead generation across multiple platforms can be a time-consuming hassle. Automation frees up your client’s resources while ensuring they never miss a potential lead.

Here’s how automating social media lead generation benefits businesses:

  • Increase lead volume: Capture leads around the clock without relying on manual effort, maximizing your lead generation potential.
  • Improve lead quality: Utilize targeted messaging and qualification tools to ensure you’re attracting high-quality leads most likely to convert.
  • Streamline sales pipeline: Deliver pre-qualified leads to your sales team, saving them valuable time and boosting conversion rates.

But you can’t completely avoid challenges. Especially, when AI is all around, and you can easily neglect the human touch. The #1 rule is that automation shouldn’t replace genuine interactions.  Balance automation with personalized communication to keep leads engaged.

Here is (almost) everything you need to get started with automating social media lead generation:

  1. Identify lead capture points. Integrate lead capture forms and CTAs into your social media content.
  2. Utilize lead nurturing tools. Automate communication on LinkedIn to find leads or use email sequences to keep leads engaged after initial capture.
  3. Set lead scoring criteria. Qualify leads based on specific actions or demographics, prioritizing the hottest leads for your sales team.

By offering automated social media lead generation, you become a lead generation machine gun for your clients with magic bullets to help them fill their sales pipeline with qualified leads, ready to be converted into loyal customers.

8. Implementing influencer marketing

We all love celebrities (from different points of view and distances). Actually, 22.6% of us follow celebrities on social media.

But, implementing influencer marketing isn’t just about throwing products at celebrities. It’s about strategically partnering with social media personalities whose audience aligns with your brand. 

This service involves identifying relevant influencers, negotiating partnerships, and crafting engaging campaigns that leverage their influence to reach your target audience.

I don’t think you have any doubts about this service. Because people trust people, especially those they follow online. Influencer endorsements can feel more genuine than traditional advertising, fostering brand trust and credibility.

And they will get a lot of benefits (businesses, not influencers):

  • Boost brand awareness: Reach a wider audience beyond your own followers, putting your brand in front of potential customers who trust the influencer.
  • Drive engagement: Leverage the influencer’s established audience to generate excitement and engagement around your brand and products.
  • Increase sales: Benefit from the influencer’s social proof and recommendation power, ultimately driving conversions and sales.

Focusing solely on follower count is a day-to-day challenge. Look beyond vanity metrics and prioritize influencers who resonate with your brand and target audience.

Here’s how to get started with influencer marketing:

  1. Define your target audience. Understand who you want to reach and identify influencers whose audience aligns with your ideal customer.
  2. Research potential partners. Look for influencers with a strong reputation, engaged audience, and content that reflects your brand values. 
  3. Craft a cold outreach campaign that leverages the influencer’s strengths and resonates with their audience, while achieving your marketing goals.
  4. Analyze the results with Keyhole, from historical data to day-to-day insights with advanced reports.

Start offering influencer marketing. End of statement.

9. Reporting on social media performance

Charts and graphs. Although they are pretty cool, creating them—a long journey of failures and boredom. It’s about translating data into actionable insights that inform future social media strategy. 

This service involves gathering key metrics, analyzing performance, and presenting findings in a clear and digestible way for clients.

Let’s be honest, data can be overwhelming. 

Without clear reporting, it’s impossible to understand what’s working, what’s not, and how to optimize your social media efforts. Reporting sheds light on your social media performance, guiding future decisions.

Your client would get not just dashboards, but the whole bunch of benefits:

  • Measure campaign effectiveness → track the success of your social media efforts and identify areas for improvement to maximize ROI.
  • Gain audience insights → uncover valuable data about your audience demographics, interests, and online behavior to tailor your content for better results.
  • Demonstrate social media value → present clear data-driven reports to stakeholders, showcasing the impact of social media on your overall marketing goals.

Focus on vanity metrics is a big challenge, for sure. Likes and shares are great, but they don’t tell the whole story.  Prioritize metrics that align with your specific goals, like website traffic or lead generation.

Here’s how to get started with reporting on social media performance:

  1. Define your social media goals. What do you hope to achieve? Identify key metrics that directly connect to your goals.
  2. Utilize social media analytics tools (you’re right, it’s about Keyhole and it’s super reporting features). Leverage it to gather data, track performance, and generate insightful reports.
  1. Focus on storytelling with data. Present findings in a clear and visually appealing way, crafting a narrative that highlights key takeaways and recommendations.

Take your step and transform numbers into a compelling story that informs future strategies and proves the undeniable value of social media for their business.

Wrapping Up

Picture this: your agency becomes the hero, guiding clients through the maze of likes, shares, and tweets. 

By offering a suite of essential social media services (like above or even more), you help them uncover hidden treasures of customer insights, boost their brand presence, and drive a steady stream of leads. 

And the secret weapon in your toolkit? Keyhole.

It makes social media easy. You can turn complex data into clear, actionable strategies with Keyhole (and with ease). From social listening to detailed analytics, Keyhole helps you monitor your online presence and manage your social media like a pro.

Ready to boost your social media game? Sure you are!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I start with social media audits for my clients?

First, chat with your client to understand their goals. Then, gather data from their social media accounts and analyze it to see what’s working and what’s not. Consider using Keyhole for it. Share your findings with clear steps for improvement.

2. What tools can help with social media listening?

Check out tools like Keyhole. This platform can help you track brand mentions, hashtags, and trends to see what people are saying about your client’s brand.

3. How can I create an effective social media strategy?

Sit down with your client to figure out their goals, target audience, and key metrics. Research what competitors are doing and current trends (by using Keyhole, it’ll help), then create a content calendar and posting plan that fits their needs (also with Keyhole, magic).

4. What should I focus on when creating content for social media?

Make sure your content is high-quality and engaging. Use a mix of images, videos, polls, and live streams. Keep everything in line with your client’s brand and goals.

5. How can I measure the success of paid social media campaigns?

Keep an eye on metrics like reach, engagement, clicks, and conversions. Use analytics tools like Keyhole to track how well your ads are doing and tweak your campaigns to get the best results.