When Is The Best Time To Post On Twitter?

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Twitter is the place where the world gathers up for starting trends and accessing first-hand news. One of the most engaging platforms got its sensational break after the Musk acquisition. 

Since then, Twitter is always making headlines. Apart from that, Twitter is the tool that will inject life into your branding. Most big brands use Twitter for engrossed conversations with their target audience. 

Believe it or not, some of the famous marketing campaigns like Wendy’s 18 million retweet quest have taken place in random tweets. The latest social media statistics reveal that 450 million people are active on Twitter monthly while 6000 tweets are posted every second. 

Did you just smell branding brewing in here? Absolutely! 

Since so many tweets are being shared each second, it is equally difficult to grab your audience’s attention. That’s where you’ll need a blueprint to find the best time to post on Twitter. 

Just adding popular hashtags can only amplify your reach to some extent. The real secret lies in optimizing your effort toward Twitter marketing strategy with a proper posting agenda. 

Without any further ado, let’s get started. 

Why does it matter when you post on Twitter?

Finding the best time to post on Twitter can greatly affect how many people see and engage with your tweets.

Let’s say you run a business selling handmade jewelry on Etsy. You’ve been using Twitter to promote your products, but you need to see more engagement. By researching, you find out that your target audience of young women interested in fashion and accessories are most active on Twitter between 6-9 PM on weekdays.

So, instead of tweeting about your products at random times throughout the day, you start scheduling your tweets to go out during that time frame. Suddenly, you get more likes, retweets, and click on your links! 

By finding the best time to post on Twitter, you are guaranteed to get your content in front of more people at the right time. 

Top factors that impact the best time to post on Twitter

Now that you know posting on Twitter at the best time for maximum engagement is crucial, here are a few key factors to consider to determine your best posting time:

1. Identify the audience you want to reach

The first thing to consider is who your target audience is and when they are most active on Twitter. For example, if you’re targeting college students, they are most active on Twitter in the evenings and on weekends.

2. Figure out the time zones  

The time zone you’re in (and the time zone of your target audience) can also impact your best posting time. If you’re based in New York, but your target audience is in California, you’ll want to adjust your posting schedule accordingly.

3. Which industry do you belong to

The industry you’re in can also impact the best time to post on Twitter. For example, if you’re in the tech industry, your audience is most active on Twitter during business hours.

4. Type of content you want to share

The type of content you’re sharing can also impact your best posting time. For example, if you share news updates, you should post during the day when people are most likely to check Twitter for the latest headlines.

When is the best time to post on Twitter each day of the week?

To be honest, there isn’t just one single “best” time to post on Twitter. However, there have been several studies that shed light on the most effective posting times for different target audiences. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

ContentStudio team shared their internal data and concluded the following:  

  • The best times to post on Monday are between 2 PM – 4 PM EST and 10 AM EST to reach your audience during their morning commute or when they first start their workday. 
  • Post on Tuesday at 1 PM EST and 3 PM EST to reach your audience during their lunch break.  
  • Posting at 7 PM EST will show your tweets on the feed for the audience during their leisure time in the evening while posting at 12 AM EST can help you reach your audience during their late-night browsing.
  • Tweet at 12 AM EST and 10 AM EST on Thursdays. Posting at 12 AM EST can help you reach your audience during their late-night browsing. 
  • The best times to post on Friday are at 6 PM EST and 2 PM EST. 
  • Posting at 7 PM EST will show your tweets on the feed for the audience during their leisure time in the evening, while posting at 12 AM EST can help you reach your audience during their late-night browsing.
  • The best times to post on Sunday are 10 AM EST and 3 PM EST. 

According to the data from CoSchedule’s research, the best times to post on Twitter in 2023 are as follows:

  • The top 5 best hours to post on Twitter are 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM, and 3:00 PM.
  • The worst 5 hours to post on Twitter are 1:00 AM, 4:00 AM, 5:00 AM, 2:00 AM, and 3:00 AM.
  • The top 3 best days to post to Twitter are Wednesdays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.
  • The worst 3 days to post to Twitter are Sundays, Mondays, and Saturdays.

Below are insights for the best time to post on Twitter from Statusbrew:

  • The optimal time to post on Twitter is between 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on weekdays.
  • Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are generally the best days to post on Twitter.
  • Posting during weekdays rather than weekends may be more effective for engaging with professional audiences.

It’s important to keep in mind that these times may not be the best for every business or industry. To find the best time to post on Twitter for your specific audience, you can use Twitter Analytics to track your engagement metrics and experiment with different posting times.

What are the average best times to post on Twitter?

We’ve done the research for you, saving you time and effort. Here’s a roundup of the optimal times to post on Twitter.

How to determine the best time to post on Twitter?

Determining the best time to post on Twitter can be crucial for maximizing your engagement rate and reach. Here are some tips for determining the best time to post on Twitter:

1. Analyze your Twitter analytics

Twitter provides insights into your audience’s demographics, interests, and activity. By analyzing this data, you can determine when your audience is most active on Twitter.

Go to your Twitter Analytics dashboard and click the “Tweets” tab to see your tweet activity. Analyze the graph of your tweet activity by hour of the day and day of the week to determine the best time to post.

Read More: 27 Best Social Media Analytics Tools For Marketers (2024)

2. Monitor your competitors

Keep an eye on when your competitors are posting on Twitter and how their engagement is. This can give you an idea of when your audience is most likely to be online.

You can use Keyhole to track their profiles and campaigns. You’ll also know what time they are posting and how their campaigns perform over time. 

3. Experiment with different posting times

Try posting at different times of the day and week to see what works best for your audience. Keep track of your engagement metrics to determine what posting times are most effective.

Use Keyhole to schedule unlimited tweets at different time zones. Check your optimal posting time from the Optimization tab and find your most engaging content type as well. 

By taking the time to determine the best time to post on Twitter, you can increase your engagement and grow your Twitter following.

Read More: When Is The Best Time To Post On Facebook?

What about the posting frequency? 

Based on the research, here are some general guidelines for the optimal posting frequency for different types of content on Twitter:

1.  Post between 2 and 3 tweets per day. That’s almost 15-20 tweets in a week. 

2.  Retweeting other users’ content is a great way to engage with your audience and share relevant content. Retweet at least once per day.

3.  Engaging with your audience through replies can help build relationships and increase your visibility on Twitter. Aim to reply to at least one tweet per day.

Bonus: Hashtags can help increase your visibility on Twitter like magic. Use at least one or two hashtags per tweet to improve your visibility. 

It’s important to keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and the optimal posting frequency may vary depending on your audience and the type of content you are sharing. You should also monitor your engagement metrics to determine what posting frequency works best for you.

Final words

In the end, remember to keep your content relevant and engaging for your target audience and use appropriate hashtags to increase your post’s visibility. The best time to post will only bring you reach, but it’s the quality that will decide your engagement scores. 

If you’re looking to optimize your Twitter strategy, consider trying out Keyhole’s free trial. With Keyhole, you can track your Twitter metrics, monitor your competition, and get insights on the best posting times for your audience. Book a demo and take your Twitter strategy to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time to post on Twitter for maximum reach and engagement?

The best time to post on Twitter for maximum reach and engagement is typically weekdays between 8 AM and 10 AM, as well as 6 PM and 9 PM. However, the optimal posting time can vary depending on your specific audience and industry.

2. Does the best time to post on Twitter vary by industry or audience demographics?

Yes, the best time to post on Twitter can vary by industry and audience demographics. For example, B2B companies may see better engagement rates during work hours, while B2C companies may see better engagement rates on weekends. It's important to analyze your own audience and industry trends to determine the best posting times for your brand.

3. How can I determine the best time to post on Twitter for my specific business or brand?

To determine the best time to post on Twitter for your specific business or brand, you can use Twitter Analytics or third-party analytics tools to analyze your audience engagement and posting habits. You can also experiment with different posting times and track your results to see which times generate the most engagement and reach for your tweets.

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