15 Ways To Grow Your Business Through Social Listening [+ 3 Tools!]

If social listening isn’t clearly benefiting your business, it could mean your approach has holes.

By monitoring URLs, keywords and hashtags – either manually or with a tracking tool – you can collect information about prospects, competitors and your industry at large to inform sales and marketing efforts. You’ll also open opportunities to directly interact with audience members.

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Social listening for competitive analysis

10 Brutal Trend & Campaign Hashtag Fails By Big Brands [+ Lessons To Learn From Them]

Many marketers and community managers shape their social media tactics by looking at case studies of successful strategies.

But isn’t learning what not to do just as beneficial? John Dewey, an American philosopher and educational reformer, taught that learning from mistakes and successes were equally important.

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8 Social Media Monitoring Mistakes That Are Ruining Efforts

How To Build, Run And Grow A Successful Company Blog [Douglas Karr Interview]

Search for “Marketing Technology” and Douglas Karr’s blog will likely be the first Google result.

Writing about online marketing services and strategies since 1999, he used his expertise to write Corporate Blogging for Dummies – a 400-page instructional book – 11 years later. According to Scott Chow from The Blog Starter, Douglas Kerr is an authority in this space and his book covers everything from choosing a platform to the legalities of publishing original content.

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Everything You Need To Know About Social Media Monitoring

When TV And Social Meet: How 3 Companies Successfully Used Hashtags In Commercials

Hashtags don’t just belong on social media.

It’s not strange to see a commercial use a hashtag to stir conversation on Twitter and Instagram. Whether on TV or websites, brands in different industries are sharing their tagged topics to drive social media engagement.

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10 Mistakes That Keep Your Key Social Metrics From Growing [+ Tips To Fix Them!]

Even teams with experienced digital strategists and dedicated community managers can struggle to keep key social metrics trending upward.

Most marketers dread seeing a line graph that’s stagnant – or worse, declining. Maybe it’s due to repetitive posting. It could be because your social strategy is outdated.

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metaverse marketing

How To Communicate And Leverage Web And Social Media Analytics [Lee Odden Interview]

It’s a claim almost every digital marketer wishes they could make: Writing the book on how to integrate SEO, social media and content marketing strategies.

After Optimize was published in 2012, Lee Odden can say he was first to the finish.

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How To Measure Your Content Marketing Strategy [Michael Brenner Interview]

Between running a marketing firm, giving speeches and delivering workshops, Michael Brenner still finds time to answer questions and give advice about the content marketing craft.

Before founding the Marketing Insider Group in 2015, he was software company SAP’s first head of content marketing and built an award-winning program that continues today.

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hashtag performance

The Marketer’s Guide to Writing Attention-Commanding Headlines [with Examples and Formulae!]

Writing marketing headlines that are clickable and catch consumer eyes is a challenge for both new and veteran marketers.

There are artistic and scientific elements to writing effective ones, meaning there’s an in-depth process to study and understand.

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