How HerCampus uses Keyhole Reports To Show Sponsors The Real Reach Of Their Events

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Keyhole Interviews - HerCampus

Windsor Hanger-Western, Cofounder, HerCampus Media

We do a lot of experiential marketing within  HerCampus Media, and we used to have a hard time conveying the impact of our events to our brands.  They’d say, ‘Well, you’re doing an event and there are 1,000 women there, that seems like a lot of money to just reach 1,000 women’. 

So, we’re saying “You’re not just reaching the 1,000 women that are there, you’re reaching all of their friends on social, because we’re creating experiences that they’re going to want to share”.  And so by you hosting this amazing event with us with those women, it’s exponential how many women you’re going to access. 

And Keyhole is how we say it’s not just 1,000 women, it’s 5 million impressions… the numbers help us prove the impact of what we’re doing to our customers”. 

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