How Keyhole’s Hashtag Tracking Powered WWF’s We Love Cities Campaign

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Tasked with organizing the We Love Cities campaign, Filip Olsok enlisted Keyhole. Its hashtag tracking feature allowed him to successfully monitor all 54 of their campaign hashtags.

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) works to help local communities conserve natural resources. Moreover, it transform markets and policies towards sustainability and protect species and their habitats.

All of their efforts ensure that their values of sustainability are influencing decision-making from a local to a global scale.  

With the ultimate goal of building a sustainable world for the generations to come, the WWF runs projects around the globe. Two of which are the One Planet City Challenge (OPPC), and the associated We Love Cities campaign.

Filip Olsok, the Program Coordinator at WWF Sweden, is primarily responsible for coordinating these two projects. 

WWF WLC Hashtag Campaign

In an effort to engage citizens around the world, WWF launched the We Love Cities initiative. This campaign designed to encourage people around the world to express their love and support for the actions their cities are taking to tackle climate change, and to ensure a climate-safe future for all.

WWF uses this campaign to encourage people to learn about climate change and what their cities are doing to tackle the issue.

Filip is in charge of keeping everything aligned between the various WWF offices, who are in turn responsible for managing the participating cities.

“So, we use the love and pride for one’s city as a shortcut for raising awareness about the role of cities in climate action and sustainability in general.” 

As Project Manager, Filip is also responsible for hashtag tracking. Specifically, he has to monitor the traction of all 54 hashtags on different social media platforms.

The Need for A Social Media Monitoring Tool

When Filip first joined the team in 2018, WWF wasn’t using any social media monitoring tools for the We Love Cities campaign.

Filip knew that monitoring hashtags for over 50 participating cities was no easy task. Additionally, monitoring hashtag data and compiling it in a presentable was not possible without the help of a hashtag tracking tool. 

He tested many tools including Hootsuite, Sprout Social and Brand24 but ultimately decided to go with Keyhole.

“All of them were quite expensive and Sprout Social, the second option we were considering, even charged per hashtag. Plus, Keyhole was much more accessible, so it tipped the scale in its favour.”

In 2020, Filip was assigned the We Love Cities campaign again. It was a no-brainer for him to recommend Keyhole as a social media hashtag tracking tool to the campaign manager with whom he had also worked in 2018. 

WWF Quote - Keyhole Social Media Analytics Tool

A User-Friendly Tracking Solution 

WWF needed a social media analytics tool that could comprehensively track all the hashtags of the participating cities. The, sort them with corresponding dates and IDs, so that the team could see how many times a specific ID has voted/posted about a city in a day. 

To facilitate hashtag tracking, this campaign assigned a unique hashtag to each city. The city of Vancouver, for example, was given #WeLoveVancouver.

Filip would then dive into the posts collected from Keyhole for each hashtag and count one vote per user from each social media account in 24 hours. In other words, if a person posted the same hashtag from the same account 60 times in 24 hours, it would still be counted as one vote.

Using Keyhole to Prove Success and ROI

WWF’s goal for this particular campaign was to spread the message of sustainability and to raise awareness about the role cities play in climate change. This included tracking both the negative impact and the potential that cities have to develop and implement solutions.  

Filip looked to Keyhole to determine the success of the hashtag monitoring campaign.

“I put the 54 city hashtags as a group within the trackers. So, it gives me the overall hashtags report and I could look at the total aggregate and regional engagement. Keyhole made it so easy to know the overall numbers.

And then on a more micro level, I could look at each hashtag to find out the most engaging posts. I was able to know the three most engaging posts from each of the 54 hashtags. That was quite a simple way to determine what type of content was most interesting for our audience.”

The way that Keyholes aggregates hashtag tracking data into easy-to-read graphs was the cherry on top for him.

“I am quite obsessed with graphs and putting numbers into colours and stuff. So, the user interface where you could see the engagement and all the different statistics into graphs was very helpful.”

Keyhole’s Impact

When discussing the impact Keyhole had on his team’s success hashtag monitoring in this campaign, Filip said:

WWF Quote - Keyhole Social Media Campaign Tracker

Keyhole’s simple-to-manage dashboard made the task of conducting hashtag monitoring on 54 city hashtags quite easy. Also, it helped Filip quickly find the winner – which otherwise would have been a lengthy process. 

“We would not be able to correctly measure and track the usage of our 50 plus campaign hashtags in an easy all-in-one place sort of dashboard, which kind of makes it much faster to compare, to download results, to get the data from different perspectives based on the rules and how we set up our counting approach and deciding the winner. I think it would take years to search for hashtags and try to count manually. So, yeah, we would not be able to find the winner of the campaign or easily summarize our overall campaign success in terms of engagement reach without a solution like Keyhole.”

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