2024's Best 27 Social Media Analytics Tools For The AI Age

2024’s Best 27 Social Media Analytics Tools For The AI Age

The latest studies show that social media is the first touchpoint customers have with your brand. In fact, customers are more likely to discover your brand through social media over a search engine. So it is more important than ever to optimize your social channels to ensure you’re reaching (and engaging) your target audience. But … Read more

How To Use Competitor Analysis To Identify New Marketing Opportunities

How To Use Competitor Analysis To Identify New Marketing Opportunities

Did you hit the plateau of customer acquisition? If you are nodding your head in anticipation, know you are not alone.  Oftentimes, you see a handful of players dominating a particular industry despite having so many brands offering the same thing. This is because the top players have an edge in introducing newer add-ons to … Read more

What Is Social Media Analytics & Why Is It Important_

What Is Social Media Analytics & Why Is It Important?

Do you know your social media efforts are hiding a wealth of information? And if you know how to analyze your social media, you can unearth this data. But how does it help, you may ask? For starters, social media data help you understand your audience, pinpoint well-performing strategies, and weed out the incompetent ones. … Read more